Andy Beers

I'm Andy! Currently focused on learning OpenUSD by building as much as I can with it.


JavaScript USDC Exporter

  • Export USDC files in pure JS, inspired by
All Tools Used: Python, JavaScript, C++, USD

USD Thumbnail Generator

  • Created a tool that generates a thumbnail image given any USD file
  • Link to Code
All Tools Used: Python, USD

USD Cards Generator

  • Created a tool that generates an image along each axis for any given USD file, which allows for much faster asset load times in the case of inspecting an asset
  • Link to Code
All Tools Used: Python, USD

HTTP USD Asset Resolver

  • Created an asset resolver for USD that will fetch assets and relative assets based on a root file
  • Link to Code
All Tools Used: C++, Emscripten, CLion, Bash, JavaScript, USD


All Tools Used: C#, Unity, AWS, Affinity Designer, Logic Pro
